Pavel Yu. Pushkarev
Professor, Faculty
of Geology of MSU
Personal data
Date of birth: April 7, 1976
Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR
Russian, English
address: Russia, 119234, Moscow,
Leninskie Gory 1, MSU, Faculty of Geology
Mob. tel.: +7 (905) 703-7950
1998 – Specialist degree in geology and
geophysics from the Faculty of Geology of MSU;
- diploma thesis “Graphic interface and
analysis of software for 2D magnetotelluric data modeling and inversion”, 5th
year (supervisor prof. M.N. Berdichevsky);
- term paper “Mathematical modelling of frequency
soundings based on data from Alexandrovka-Yukhnov testing ground”, 4th
year (supervisor ass. prof. A.G. Yakovlev);
- term paper “Geothermal energy, methods of exploration
and exploitation”, 1st year (supervisor prof. V.K. Khmelevskoy);
1997 – Graduated from Computer Academy of MSU;
1993 – Graduated from Moscow school # 1260
(former # 4).
Academic degree and
2017 – Doctor of geological and mineralogical
sciences from the Faculty of Geology of MSU, dissertation “Interpretation of
low-frequency electromagnetic soundings of inhomogeneous medium with
application to solution of geological problems”;
2008 – Associate Professor of the Chair of Geophysics
of the Faculty of Geology;
2002 – Ph.D. in physics and mathematics from the
Faculty of Geology of MSU, dissertation “Magnetotelluric Studies of
Ocean-Continent Transition Zone (with Application to Cascadia Subduction Zone)”
(supervisor prof. M.N. Berdichevsky).
2018 – Present Professor,
Faculty of Geology of MSU;
2007 – 2018 Associate Professor, Faculty of Geology
of MSU;
2001 – 2007 Assistant,
Faculty of Geology of MSU;
1998 – 2001 Ph.D.
Student, Faculty of Geology of MSU;
Second job
2005 – 2022 Director, “Spectra-Geophysics Ltd”
geophysical company;
2015 – 2018 Researcher,
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (SU);
2011 – 2013 Engineer,
EDB of Oceanological Engineering of RAS;
2007 – 2009 Researcher,
Institute of Archaeology of RAS;
1998 – 2005 Geophysicist,
“Nord-West Ltd” geophysical company.
Courses taught in MSU
- Geophysical field theory, section
“electromagnetic field” (since 2009);
- Ill-posed problems in geophysics (since 2011);
- Theory of electromagnetic soundings (since
- Electromagnetic soundings in deep interior
studies (since 2015);
- Forward and inverse problems of electromagnetic
soundings (since 2022);
- Marine and shallow-water areas electrical
prospecting (since 2016);
- Mathematical methods in geocryology and
geophysics (for geocryologists) (since 2019);
- Basics of the theory of electromagnetic
soundings (for geocryologists) (since 2021);
- Geophysical fields of the World Ocean (for
marine geologists) (since 2014);
- Forward and inverse problems of
magnetotellurics (2016-2021);
- Practical magnetotellurics (2013-2015);
- Models and methods of magnetotellurics
- Geophysics, section “electromagnetic and
thermal prospecting” (2004-2007);
- Geophysical methods in mineral exploration
- Field practice in electromagnetic methods,
section “frequency sounding” (2003-2012);
- Marine electromagnetic prospecting (2002-2015).
- Electromagnetic prospecting, section
“laboratory practice” (2002-2010).
Courses of lectures for
students and specialists from other institutions
- Forward
and inverse problems of EM soundings of the Earth, 16 lectures, SRGTC FEB RAS,
March 2021;
- Marine EM
prospecting, 4 lectures, “Rosneft”, March 2017;
- Electromagnetic
methods in petroleum geophysics, 3 lectures, “Skoltech”, February 2016.
Scientific guidance of
term papers in MSU
- Magnetic fields of planets, 1st
year (since 2024);
- Natural low-frequency electromagnetic field
of the Earth, 1st year (2019-2024);
- Marine electromagnetic exploration for
hydrocarbons, 1st year (2012-2016);
- Deep resistivity structure of oceans and
continents, 1st year (2003-2011);
- Possibilities of electromagnetic exploration
for oil and gas, 1st year (2003-2011);
- Solution of the forward problem of
magnetotelluric sounding for a two-layer model, 2nd year (since
Research interests
- Development of methods and software for
electromagnetic data processing, analysis, modeling and interpretation;
- Investigation of resistivity structure of the
Earth’s consolidated crust and upper mantle using ground-based, marine and
satellite magnetotelluric and magnetovariational data;
- Application of electromagnetic methods for
hydrocarbon and solid mineral prospecting, as well as for geodynamic,
geothermal, engineering-geological, groundwater, permafrost and archaeological
Participation in
research projects
- RSF Grant “Development of methodology for
correction and interpretation of magnetotelluric data” (2024-2025);
- MSU Grant “Study of the internal structure of
the Moon and Mars by geophysical methods” (2023-2025);
- RSF Grant “Assessment of the capabilities of
pseudorandom signals in marine time-domain electromagnetic systems when applied
in Russian Arctic shelf environment” (2023-2024);
- RFBR Grant “The deep structure of the triple
junction of the East European Platform’s segments based on magnetotelluric and
seismological data” (2018-2020);
- Gazpromneft STC Project “Prospects for
non-seismic methods application” (2017-2018);
- Gazpromneft STC Project “Three-dimensional modeling
to determine the capabilities of electromagnetic monitoring of hydraulic
fracturing to detail data on the geomechanical properties of rocks”
- RFBR Grant “Complex geophysical model of Lake
Ladoga conductivity anomaly zone and its geotectonic implications” (2016-2018);
- RFBR Grant “Investigations of Ladoga
conductivity anomaly deep structure with a complex of synchronous
magnetotelluric and magnetovariational soundings” (2013-2015);
- RFBR and DST Grant “Deciphering 3D
Geoelectrical structure from magnetotelluric and magnetovariational data
recorded in Garhwal Himalayan region” (2013-2014);
- RFBR Grant “Compilation
of map of conductivity anomalies in the consolidated Earth's crust of northern
Eurasia” (2011-2013);
- RFBR Grant “Integrated
geophysical study of the Earth's crust in the region of Baryatino magnetic
anomaly” (2011-2013);
- RFBR Grant “Deep structure and geodynamical
features of depression zones of intracontinental mountain sites exemplified by
Central Tien Shan”
- The Ministry of Education and Science Project
“Development of method of integrated passive electro-seismo-prospecting of
hydrocarbon deposits, with application to Arctic shelf, and construction of
experimental sample of deep-water bottom geophysical station” (2011-2012);
- RFBR and CRDF Grant “Development
of magnetotelluric geophysical methods for geothermal resources exploration”
- RFBR and GKR Grant “Development
of scientific background for integrated geological and geophysical
investigation of crystalline basement for geothermal resources evaluation (with
application to Kaluga area)” (2011);
- TSNIIMASH Project “Development of suggestions
on application of possibilities of prospective manned space infrastructure
aimed at research and education” (2010);
- The Ministry of Education and Science Project
“Development of method of integrated microseismic, geoelectrical and
geochemical studies for hydrocarbon prognosis at the Arctic continental shelf”
- NorilskGeologiya Project “Interpretation of
magnetotelluric data, obtained at Verkhne-Turmakitskaya area” (2009);
- RFBR Grant “The
advancement of new approaches to the analysis and interpretation of
magnetotelluric and magnetovariational data” (2008-2010);
- RFBR Grant “Integrated
electromagnetic and seismic study of deep structure and geodynamic processes in
the central part of East-European craton” (2008-2010);
- RFBR Grant “Semibratnee
site: complex research based on the natural, technical and humanitarian
scientific methods” (2007-2009);
- NorilskGeologiya Project “Development of
Software for Magnetotelluric and Magnetovariational Data Analysis and
Interpretation” (2007-2008);
- BHP Billiton Project “Recovery if IP Response
from EM Data in Broadband EM Surveys” (2007-2008);
- ROSNEDRA Project “Development of
magnetotelluric data interpretation technology, based on 2D inversion and 3D
modeling” (2006-2008);
- RFBR Grant “Analysis
of informativeness of magnetotelluric and magnetovariational soundings”
- FASIE Grant “Development of the Technology of
High-Frequency Electromagnetic Sounding of the Earth” (2005-2006);
- INTAS Grant “Three-Dimensional
Electromagnetic and Thermal Tomography of the Active Crustal Zones”
- INTAS Grant “Study of the Deep Geoelectric
Structure of East-European Platform and Adjacent Regions” (2004-2005);
- RFBR and FASIE Grant “Development of a New
Technology of Regional Electromagnetic Explorations in Oil-producing and
Ore-bearing Regions” (2003-2004);
- RFBR Grant “Development
of method of local magnetovariational sounding” (2002-2004);
- RFBR Grant “Theory
development and mathematical modeling of forward and inverse problems of
high-frequency electromagnetic prospecting” (2002-2004);
- RFBR Grant “Study of deep structure of Juan
de Fuca Subduction zone using electromagnetic data” (1999-2001).
Scientific visits
- Gaspromneft STC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Diyadin Jeotermal A.S., Diadin, Turkey (2017);
- Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
- Research Station of RAS in Bishkek,
Kyrgyzstan (2006, 2012);
- Caspian expedition of PGS-Khazar Ltd and
Soliton Ltd, Lagan, Russia (2011);
- Siberian Geophysical Research Development
Company Ltd, Irkutsk, Russia (2011);
- Norilskgeologiya Ltd, Norilsk, Russia (2009);
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
Zurich, Switzerland (2009);
- Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory of National
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2008);
- Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of
RAS in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia (2008);
- Institute of Geophysics of Polish Academy of
Sciences, Poland (1998, 2003, 2004, 2005);
- TNG-Kazangeofizika Ltd, Kazan, Russia (2004);
- Phoenix Geophysics Ltd, Canada (2001);
- Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, USA
Conduction of
geophysical surveys
- Smolensk, Pskov and Tver Oblast, deep MT
method, delineation of crustal and mantle anomalies (2018 - 2020);
- Leningrad Oblast and Karelia, deep MT method,
study of crustal anomaly (2014, 2016, 2018);
- Crimea, VES method, archeological and
paleogeographic studies (2018);
- Crimea, MT and AMT methods, study of mud
volcanoes and coastal zone (2017);
- Kyrgyz Tien-Shan, TEM method, study of active
tectonic zones (2012);
- Kaluga region (Russia), FDEM, TEM and MT
methods, students practice (2003 - 2012);
- Krasnodar region (Russia), VES method,
archeological and paleogeographic studies (2007 - 2009);
- Ryazan region (Russia), MT method,
underground gas storage facility investigation (2008);
- Greece, AMT and TEM methods, groundwater
exploration (2007);
- Spain, AMT, TEM and FDEM methods, engineering
studies (2007);
- Kyrgyz Tien-Shan, MT method, study of active
tectonic zone (2006);
- Iceland, MT method, geothermal exploration
(2005 - 2006);
- Italy, MT method, geothermal exploration
- Greece, TEM method, archeological studies
Interpretation of
geophysical exploration data (for “MSU-Geophysics” Ltd.)
- AMT exploration of the gold deposit in
Kyrinsky district of Zabaykalsky krai (starting 03.10.2021);
- AMT exploration of the gold deposit in
Kuraginsky district of Krasnoyarsk krai (starting 17.07.2021);
- AMT exploration of the gold deposit in
Susumansky district of Magadan region (starting 08.10.2020);
- AMT exploration of the gold deposit in
Tenkinsky district Magadan region (starting 18.10.2018);
- Detailed hydrocarbon AMT exploration in
Priazovye (starting 27.07.2017);
- Regional hydrocarbon MT exploration in Priazovye
(starting 17.02.2017);
- Hydrocarbon MT exploration in Georgia
(starting 12.06.2013);
- Geothermal MT exploration at Kamchatka
peninsula (starting 12.11.2011);
- MT exploration of the sedimentary basin at
the North-East of India (starting 10.04.2011);
- AMT exploration of the gold deposit in
Tenkinsky district of Magadan region (starting 12.08.2010).
Software development
- MSU_EM1D, 1D modeling and
inversion of MT, MV, FDEM and TEM data taking IP affect into account (evolution
of old software EM1D), since 2023;
- GMC, geophysical models construction
(together with D.D. Popov and M.A. Sukonkin), since 2023;
- MTDA, magnetotelluric data
analysis (together with D.D. Popov and M.A. Sukonkin), since 2023;
- Faraday 2.0, 1D interpretation of
MT, FDEM and TEM data (scientific supervisor, programming – S. Kozlov and A.
Penkin), since 2015;
- Shell_1D, graphic interface for
analysis or 1D smoothed-structure MT inversion results (obtained using software
by S. Constable), since 2012;
- Shell_3D, graphic interface for
analysis or 3D smoothed-structure MT inversion results (obtained using software
by W. Siripunvaraporn), since 2009;
- Faraday, 1D interpretation of MT,
FDEM and TEM data (scientific supervisor, programming – I. Kupriyanov), since
- Gauss, analysis and interpretation
of MT and MV data (scientific supervisor, programming – M. Vanarho), since
- CroSec, construction of integrated
cross-sections using MT, FDEM and TEM results, since 2007;
- MT_Array, analysis of MT data using
diagrams and contour maps (scientific supervisor, programming – P. Ivanov),
since 2006;
- Ficus, correction of MT static shifts, since 2004;
- EM1D, 1D modeling and fitting of MT,
MV, FDEM and TEM data taking IP effect into account (evolution of old software MSU_FS1D),
2004 - 2023.
- M3D_Conv, converter of 3D MT data modeling results
(obtained using software by R. Mackie), since 2003;
- Shell_2D, set of MATLAB scripts for
analysis or 2D smoothed-structure MT inversion results (obtained using software
by R. Mackie or W. Siripunvaraporn), since 1999;
- IGF_MT2D, MT 2D modeling and
interpretation with fixed geometry of blocks (based on modeling and inversion
procedures by K. Nowozynski), since 1998;
- SLP_MT3D, graphic interface for MT thin-sheet
3D modeling software (by E. Fainberg and B. Singer), 1997 - 2004;
- MSU_DC1D, DC and IP 1D modeling and
interpretation, construction of cross-sections (includes procedure for 1D
modeling using arbitrary array by S. Rogova and A. Yakovlev), 1996 - 2002;
- MSU_FS1D, 1D modelling and fitting
of FDEM data (scientific supervisor A. Yakovlev), 1996 - 2004.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the
Scientific and practical conference “Electroprocpecting-2024” (2024);
- Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee of
the All-Russian Workshop on Electromagnetic Soundings of the Earth, dedicated
to the 100th anniversary of Professor M.N. Berdichevsky (Moscow,
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the
Scientific and practical conference “Electroprocpecting-2022” (2022);
- Chairman of the Programme Committee of the 8th
All-Russian school-seminar on electromagnetic soundings of the Earth (Moscow,
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the
Scientific and practical conference “Electroprocpecting-2021” (2021);
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the 5th
International conference “Innovations in geology, geophysics and geography –
2020” (2020);
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal
“Physics of the Solid Earth” (“Fizika Zemli”) (since 2019);
- Member of the Dissertation Council MSU.01.15 of
the Faculty of Physics of MSU (since 2019);
- Member of the Dissertation Council MSU.04.03 of
the Faculty of Geology of MSU (since 2018);
- Member of the Programme Committee of the 7th
All-Russian school-seminar on electromagnetic soundings of the Earth (Irkutsk
- Member of the Scientific Council of the
Faculty of Geology of MSU (since 2013);
- Responsible
for admitting students from the University of Strasbourg (France) to
geophysical practices (scientific schools) at MSU (2012-2019);
- Member of the Programme Committee of the 5th
All-Russian school-seminar on electromagnetic soundings of the Earth (Saint-Petersburg,
- Secretary of the Educational commission of
Geophysical department of the Faculty of Geology of MSU (since 2011);
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the
International conference “Modern state of Earth sciences” in memory of V.E.
Khain (2011);
- Co-supervisor of scientific school of young
scientists “Methods and instruments for the solution of magnetotelluric inverse
problems” (2010);
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the
International workshop on EM soundings in memory of professors M.N.
Berdichevsky and P. Weidelt (2010);
- Board member of the Interregional charity
non-government foundation “Assistance to the development of geophysical
investigations in geology and geophysics” (since 2007);
- Responsible for organization of the purchase
of long-period magnetovariational and magnetotelluric stations for the Faculty
of Geology of MSU (2007, 2010);
- Organizer of geophysical section of annual
Student’s scientific conference of the Faculty of Geology of MSU (2007-2010);
- Responsible for annual reports of Geophysical
chair of the Faculty of Geology of MSU on international relations (since 2006);
- Co-organizer of field school-seminars at MSU
geophysical base in Alexandrovka (2002-2004).
- Textbooks and tutorials – 14;
- Programmes of academic disciplines – 16;
- Patents and certificates of software
registration – 15;
- Papers in journals – 58;
- Papers in proceedings – 58;
- Abstracts – 155.
Peer review of
scientific papers for journals
- Geodynamics and Tectonophysics (2024);
- Computational Technologies (2024);
- Analysis and Data Processing Systems
- Russian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Science and Technological
Developments (2023);
- Lithology and Mineral Resources
- Pure and Applied Geophysics
- Geology and Geophysics (2021-2024);
- Journal of Ocean University of
China (2021);
- Frontiers in Earth Science, section “Solid
Earth Geophysics” (2020);
- Geophysical Processes and Biosphere (2019-2024);
- MDPI Journals “Algorithms”, “Applied
Sciences”, “Energies”, “Heritage”, “Minerals”, “Remote Sensing” (2018-2024);
- Moscow University Geology Bulletin (2018-2024);
- Bulletin of KRAESС, Earth Sciences (2015-2024);
- Journal of Applied Geophysics (2013-2017);
- Geofizika (2013-2023);
- Geophysical Research (2012-2023);
- Physics of the Solid Earth (2012-2018);
- Journal of Mining Institute (2012-2014);
- Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica (2012);
- Geology and Exploration (2009-2017);
- Chinese Journal of Geophysics (2009).
- V. Potanin Foundation Grant for young
teachers of the leading Russian State Universities (2007);
- MSU Academic Council program “100+100” of
encouragement of perspective young doctors and candidates of science (2007);
- Stipendiums of MSU Academic Council for young
lecturers and scientists (2003, 2005);
- RFBR Young Scientist Grants (2001, 2003);
- Schlumberger Scholarship (2000);
- Stipendium of the Russian Geological Survey
Ph.D. Theses
Pavel, 2012. Ph.D. thesis “Development of electromagnetic soundings data
interpretation methods for engineering geophysics”;
Aleksey, 2011. Ph.D. thesis “Signal processing system for low-frequency
controlled-source electroprospecting”.
Ivan, 2023. Master’s thesis “Processing the data of Alexandrovka geomagnetic observatory”;
Elizaveta, 2019. Master’s thesis “Efficiency of electromagnetic methods in hydrocarbon
Dmitry, 2017. Master’s thesis “Resistivity cross-section of Mountainous Crimea”;
Elizaveta, 2017. Bachelor’s thesis “Resistivity structure of Hengill geothermal
zone (Iceland)»;
Tatyana, 2016. Master’s thesis “Magnetotelluric studies of the deep structure of
the Garhwal Himalaya (India)”;
Yana, 2016. Master’s thesis “Deep resistivity structure of the Northern Ladoga”;
Tamerlan, 2016. Bachelor’s thesis “Numerical Modeling of magnetotelluric soundings
of geothermal zones”;
Daria, 2015. Master’s thesis “Interpretation of magnetotelluric data on the
west of the Voronezh anteclise”;
Tatiana, 2015. Master’s thesis “Magnetotelluric monitoring in the Alexandrovka
geophysical observatory”;
Tatyana, 2014. Bachelor’s thesis “Interpretation of magnetotelluric soundings
in Garhwal Himalaya (India)”;
Yana, 2014. Bachelor’s thesis “Magnetotelluric study of Ladoga crustal
conductivity anomaly”;
Katerina, 2014. Master’s thesis “Geophysical study of intermountain Issyk-Kul
Daria, 2013. Bachelor’s thesis “Magnetotelluric soundings on the western slope
of the Voronezh anteclise”;
Feliks, 2012. Master’s thesis “Deep resistivity structure of intermountain
Issyk-Kul depression”;
Katerina, 2012. Bachelor’s thesis “Development of magnetotelluric method for
geothermal resources exploration”;
Evgeny, 2010. Master’s thesis “Investigation of the possibilities of
magnetotelluric data interpretation methods using ore-bearing intrusion model”;
Galina, 2010. Bachelor’s thesis “Electromagnetic prospecting for the
characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs in Vostochno-Belikovskaya area
(Krasnodar Region)”;
Feliks, 2010. Bachelor’s thesis “Magnetotelluric investigations along
“Kekemeren” profile (Kyrgyz Tien-Shan)”;
Ekaterina, 2008. Master’s thesis “Evaluation of the possibilities of 3D
magnetotelluric data interpretation”;
Evgeny, 2008. Bachelor’s thesis “Electromagnetic exploration of
Kureysko-Gorbiachinskaya area (Norilsk ore node)”;
Pavel, 2007. Master’s thesis “Analysis and interpretation of magnetotelluric
data, obtained in Kyrgyz Tien-Shan”;
Aleksey, 2007. Specialist’s thesis “Interpretation of TEM data, obtained in
Central Kazakhstan”;
Alexander, 2007. Specialist’s thesis “Comparison of software for 2D
magnetotelluric data inversion”;
Irina, 2007. Specialist’s thesis “Application of pseudo-relief method for
magnetotelluric data analysis”;
Daria, 2006. Specialist’s thesis “Analysis and interpretation of
magnetotelluric data, obtained in Hengill geothermal zone (Iceland)”;
Ekaterina, 2006. Bachelor’s thesis “Analysis of applicability of 2D assumption
in magnetotelluric data interpretation (synthesized for horst structure)”;
Irina, 2006. Bachelor’s thesis “Verification of methods of quantitative
analysis of magnetotelluric data”;
Ekaterina, 2005. Specialist’s thesis ”Geoelectric structure of the Eastern
Europe according to deep electromagnetic soundings data”;
Pavel, 2005. Bachelor’s thesis “High-resolution and classic approaches to
interpretation of time-domain electromagnetic data from Kogalymskoye oil
Daria, 2005. Bachelor’s thesis “Analysis and interpretation of magnetotelluric
data, obtained in geothermal zone Travale (Italy)”;
Oleg, 2004. Master’s thesis “Analysis and interpretation of magnetotelluric
data from Baryatino magnetic anomaly area”;
Aleksandra, 2004. Specialist’s thesis “Electromagnetic prospecting of
gold-bearing sites in Magadan region”;
Anton, 2004. Bachelor’s thesis “Processing of broadband and long-period
magnetotelluric data using J. Larsen’s algorithm”;
Ekaterina, 2003. Specialist’s thesis “Possibilities of 2D inversion of
magnetotelluric data in 3D environments”;
Elena, 2003. Bachelor’s thesis “Modeling and analysis of magnetovariational
Tatarova Ekaterina, 2002. Bachelor’s thesis “Inductive frequency
soundings of Avachinskaya volcano group”;
Matveev Andrey, 2001. Bachelor’s thesis “Results of numerical
modeling of frequency soundings of horizontally-inhomogeneous medium”.